Executive Consultant
Tatsuya Yamamoto



Have put myself in the HR industry throughout my career, and my strengths are a my insights and connections from having covered a wide range of industries and positions, including CXO, board members, business development, HR, etc. I also have strengths in front-level positions.
I daily strive to provide unique information based on my relationship with clients. Please trust me to lead and successfully wrap up negotiations and coordination for good results. I also support career consultations, please contact for help.


Large manufacturers: business strategists, M&A, corporate planning, FP&A, heads of overseas locations
IT: CMO, business development
Entertainment: Marketing, business promotion, HR
Ventures: COO, full-time auditors

My approach

My policy is to do all phases of recruiting with a sense of speed - requirement definitions based on clients' business strategies, candidate search and introductions.
For candidates, I always aim to provide them with not only standard job information but also information I deem necessary considering their unique situations, career wishes and orientations.


Representative Consultants


For recruitment and consulting inquiries, please contact us here.

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