EWCDFrequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can register with EWCD?
Anyone with work experience, expertise and skills is welcome to register with EWCD. You can register if you have positive thoughts about new opportunities and jobs, even if you are not looking for a new job right now.
What jobs can EWCD refer me to?
EWCD can provide many positions for presidents, managers, and professionals in various fields. We have placed people in numerous companies in a wide range of industries including IT (information technology related), advertising, automotive, transportation, chemical, pharmaceutical, consumer goods, electronics, finance, food & beverage, industrial products, professional services, and many more. Please look at our current job openings.
Is there a referral commission?
There is no cost to the applicant.
Even if you are happy with your current job...?
We are always ready to inform you of information that will help you in your future career development. We look at your career opportunities with a long-term perspective, so please take advantage of EWCD's services.
What is the "market value" of someone with my work experience and skills?
The market value of a person is measured by experience, age, skills and education. If you wish, you can register with EWCD and we will advise you on your market value
Can East West Consulting consultants give me advice on interviewing?
Yes, we will assist you in all aspects of your career change, including advice on interviewing with companies.
I would very much like to register with EWCD, but I don't want my boss at work to find out and cause problems....
You can rest assured that your information will be kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed without your consent. We have never had to do so.
How much notice is required before resigning?
We, as well as the new company you are about to join, hope that you will leave the company amicably. The Labor Law stipulates a two-week notice period for resignation, so you are not legally bound to give more than that. However, since each company often has its own work rules and internal regulations, we recommend that you consider those as well and take appropriate measures. Please feel free to contact us for advice.
I am not confident in my written resume. Can you give me some expert advice?
Yes, we can provide advice. A good resume is a marketing tool that highlights your skills and career to date. We will advise you on how to create a resume that best promotes you.
How long will EWCD be looking for work for me?
We will keep you up to date as soon as we find a position that suits you. Even if you decide to change jobs elsewhere, you can always keep us updated. We want to advise you on your career plans in the long run, so we will provide you with information that will lead to further career advancement.
How do I delete my registration from the EWCD?
Please contact us by e-mail. We will proceed with the deregistration process as soon as possible.


Please contact us for recruitment and consulting services.

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